
时间:2017-10-13 16:38:07






二、 学习工作经历



三、 教学工作



四、 研究方向及简介

1. 除草剂毒理学:围绕吡氟禾草灵在硬毛刺苞菊上的作用机制开展研究,已经确认其作用与大量快速诱导活性氧的形成有关,而初始作用位点位于顶端分生组织。

2. 植物源除草活性物质:已测定了100多种植物500多份器官的除草活性,发现了一些极具开发潜力的植物材料,并分离出7种活性物质。

3. 杂草抗药性:主要开展棉田主要杂草对二甲戊乐灵、精喹禾灵、草甘膦等常用除草剂的抗药性监测及治理技术的研究。


五、 科研课题

u 主持项目

  1. 吡氟禾草灵对菊科杂草的选择性作用机制,国家自然基金委,2013.01-2016
  2. 棉田杂草抗药性监测及治理技术研究与示范,公益性行业(农业)科研专项,2013.01-2017.12
  3. 植物源抗旱制剂的研发,科技部十二五农村领域国家科技计划课题(863项目),2011.01-2015.12
  4. 大花金鸡菊中除草活性物质的提取分离研究,青岛市科技计划基础研究项目,2011.10-2013.09
  5. 菊科植物对除草剂稳杀得的感受性差异分析及其形成机理研究,教育部留学归国人员基金,2005.01-2007.12
  6. 芳氧苯氧基丙酸酯类和环己烯酮类除草剂的选择性作用机制,日本文部省,1998.01-2000.12
  7. 禾本科杂草专用除草剂稳杀得在敏感性阔叶杂草硬毛刺苞菊上的作用机理,日本文部省,2000.01-2003.12
  8. 水田除草剂对濒邻灭绝植物影响的研究,日本环境厅,2003.01-2004.12
  9. 从基因水平解析鸭舌草对磺酰脲类除草剂产生抗性的机理,日本农业环境技术研究所,2003.01-2004.12
  10. 稳杀得在硬毛刺苞菊上诱导过氧化物形成的机理研究,校人才基金,2004.08-2006.18
  11. 横向课题,共31项。

u 参加项目

  1. 泡桐中生物活性物质的研究,省科技厅,2006.01-2008.12.
  2. 外来入侵植物黄顶菊控制技术研究,国家公益性项目(农业),2008.01-2010.12.
  3. 新型花生生长调节剂的创制及施用技术研究,国家科技支撑计划,2009.01-2011.12.



u 获奖

1. 现代农业产业背景下IPM型植物保护人才培养模式研究,获山东省省级教学成果奖三等奖(GJ20143077),山东省省级教学成果奖评审委员会,2014.07.30。排名2/10

u 科研论文

  1. Luo XY, Liu ZH, Sunohara Y, Matsumoto H, Li PL. Involvement of H2O2 in fluazifop-P-butyl-induced cell death in bristly starbur seedlings, Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pestbp. 2016.12.007. (SCI收录)
  2. HAN J, Ahn YJ and LUO XY*. p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, a growth inhibitory chemical extracted from common nandina leaf. Allelopathy Journal, 2011, 28 (2): 213-224. (SCI收录)
  3. Luo XY and Ikeda H. Effects of four rice herbicides on plant growth of an aquatic fern Marsilea quadrifolia L. Weed Biology and Management. 2007,7: 237-241. (SCI收录)
  4. Luo X Y and Ikeda H. Effects of Four Rice Herbicides on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of a Threatened Vascular Plant Penthorum chinense Pursh. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2005,75: 382-389. (SCI收录)
  5. Luo XY, Sunohara Y and Matsumato H. Fluazifop-butyl causes membrane peroxidation in the herbicide-susceptible broad leaf weed bristly starbur (Acanthospermum hispidum). Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 2004,78:93-102. (SCI收录)
  6. Luo XY and Matsumoto H. Susceptibility of broad-leaved weed, Acanthospermum hispidum, to grass herbicide fluazifop-butyl. Weed Biology and Management. 2002,2:98-103. (SCI收录)
  7. Luo X Y, Matsumoto H and Usui K. Comparison of physiological effects of fluazifop-butyl and sethoxydim on oat (Avena sativa L.). Weed Biology and Management. 2001,1:120-127. (SCI收录)
  8. Matsumoto H and Luo XY. Physiological basis for susceptibility of broad-leaved weed Acathospermum hispidum to a grass herbicide fluazifop-butyl. 10th IUPAC International Congress on the Chemistry of Crop Protection, Book of Abstracts. August 4-9, Basel, Switzerland. 2002,1:172.
  9. Luo XY, Usui K and Matsumoto H. Characterization of physiological and biochemical effects of fluazifop-butyl and sethoxydim on oat (Avena sativa L.). The Proceedings of the 18th Asian-pacific weed Science Society Conference. May 28-June 2, Beijing China. 2001,2:523-532.
  10. 张媛媛, 罗小勇*. 35种菊科植物对吡氟禾草灵的敏感性差异. 植物保护学报, 201037(6):557-561.
  11. 罗小勇, 孙娟. 23种苜蓿不同品种化感活性的研究. 草业学报, 2012,21(2):83-91.
  12. 郭凤, 罗小勇*. 大花金鸡菊叶提取物除草活性的研究. 中国农学通报, 2013,29(15):177-182.
  13. 王霞, 罗小勇*. 海桐叶乙醇提取物及其萃取相的除草活性. 中国农学通报, 2012,28(25):201-208.
  14. 罗小勇. 菊花桃不同器官的除草活性研究. 中国农学通报, 2010, 26(14):269-272.
  15. 罗小勇, 苗荣荣, 周世军. 16种园林植物不同器官的化感活性研究. 中国农学通报, 2009,25(21):266-271.
  16. 罗小勇. 农药残留及其对策. 中国农学通报, 2009,25(18):344-347.
  17. 罗小勇. 紫丁香不同器官的除草活性研究. 农药, 2010,49(6):460-461,464.
  18. 张丽娟, 李凌绪, 万方浩, 罗小勇*. 玉米秸秆对4种农田杂草生长的抑制作用. 植物保护, 2016,42(6):63-66.
  19. 罗小勇, 徐丹, 杨从军, 邢小霞, 宋吉青. 3种丝柏油醇络合物对11种植物病原真菌的室内抑菌活性.植物保护, 2016,42(4):242-247.
  20. 王霞, 罗小勇*. 海桐不同器官除草活性的研究. 中国生态农业学报, 2011,19(4):982-984.
  21. 罗小勇, 张英杰. 芍药不同器官的除草活性研究. 中国农业生态学报, 2010,18(5): 1148-1150.
  22. 杨玉良, 宋吉青, 杨从军, 罗小勇*. 13种木本植物不同器官和浒苔对生菜幼苗生长的影响. 杂草科学, 2012,30(3):16-20.
  23. 杨玉良, 宋吉青, 杨从军, 罗小勇*. 17种草本植物不同器官对生菜幼苗生长的影响. 杂草科学, 2012,30(4):10-15.
  24. 郭凤, 罗小勇*. 牡丹叶及其不同溶剂提取物对生菜等幼苗生长的抑制效应. 杂草科学, 2012,30(3):21-26.
  25. 罗小勇. 碧桃不同器官的除草活性研究. 江西农业学报, 2011,23(2):93-95.
  26. 王霞, 罗小勇*. 乌桕不同器官除草活性的研究. 杂草科学, 2011,29(4):33-36.
  27. 罗小勇. 八重樱不同器官的除草活性研究. 杂草科学, 2010,(2):27-29.
  28. 罗小勇. 牡丹不同器官的除草活性研究. 植物保护, 2011,37(2):87-90.
  29. 刘杰, 罗小勇*. 石楠不同器官的除草活性研究. 安徽农业大学学报, 2010,37(2):204-208.
  30. 赵妹, 罗小勇*. 葎草不同器官化感活性的研究. 江西农业学报, 2009,21(9):72-74.
  31. 罗小勇, 孙启涛, 周世军. 20种菊科植物不同器官的化感活性研究. 安徽农业科学, 2009,37(30):14672-14677.
  32. 赵妹, 罗小勇, 仪铭, 孟昭礼. 大花金鸡菊不同器官除草活性的研究. 安徽农业大学学报, 2009,36(3):369-372.
  33. 韩君, 罗小勇. 一些十字花科植物组织的化感活性研究. 江西农业学报, 2008,20(10):76-78.
  34. 张媛媛, 罗小勇*. 硬毛刺苞菊不同器官的除草活性研究. 江西农业学报, 2008,20(11):74-75.
  35. 罗小勇, 任贻晓, 周世军. 一些松、柏、杉科植物的化感活性. 杂草科学, 2008,(4):22-25.
  36. 罗小勇, 付艳红, 周世军. 琼脂混粉法的建立及其在植物叶片化感活性测定中的应用. 青岛农业大学学报, 2007,24(4):267-270.
  37. 羅小勇, 春原由香里, 松本宏. Fluazifop-butyl感受性Acanthospermum hispidumにおけるエチレン生合成誘導と膜脂質の過酸化. 雑草研究, 2003,46:258-259.
  38. 羅小勇, 松本宏. Fluazifop-butylの広葉雑草Acanthospermum hispidumへの作用と脂質生合成への影響. 雑草研究, 2002, 47: 264-265.
  39. 羅小勇. イネ科雑草防除剤fluazifop-butylによる特異的感受性を示す広葉雑草に対する作用機構. 日本筑波大学, 2002.
  40. 羅小勇, 松本宏, 臼井健二. キク科Acanthospermum属雑草のfluazifop-butylによる生育抑制. 雑草研究, 2001,46:190-191.
  41. 羅小勇, 松本宏, 臼井健二. Fluazifop-butylsethoxydimの生理作用の比較. 雑草研究, 2000,45:30-31.

u 教研论文

  1. 罗小勇, 李凌绪. 植物保护专业增设杂草学专业课的必要性和可行性. 农业教育研究, 2016,(2):44-46.
  2. 罗小勇. IPM理念在《植物化学保护》课程教学中的具体体现. 现代农业科技,2012, (19):342,345.
  3. 罗小勇. 网络教学平台在植物化学保护课程教学中的应用. 现代农业科技, 2012,(17):336-337.
  4. 罗小勇, 李宝笃, 李长友*. 山东省植物保护现状及其对人才需求的展望. 现代农业科技, 2012, (3):237-238.
  5. 罗小勇. 日本的植物保护体系及植物保护人才培养. 考试周刊, 2011,(66):237-239.
  6. 罗小勇, 李宝笃, 路炳声*. 高等农林院校培养IPM型植物保护人才的必要性和思路. 农业教育研究, 2012,(1):2-4.
  7. 周洪旭, 罗小勇. 多媒体教学在趣味昆虫学中的应用. 考试周刊, 2011,(19):192-193.
  8. 路炳声, 梁晨, 罗小勇*. 我国农业院校植物保护专业实践教学的问题与对策. 高等农业教育, 2010,(11):66-68.
  9. 罗小勇, 杨从军, 董向丽, 罗兰, 邢小霞, 孟昭礼. 《植物化学保护》课程建设探讨. 青岛农业大学学报(社科版), 2007,19(增刊):1-2.
  10. 罗小勇. 实践科学发展观,努力提高我院的研究生教育质量. 高等教育研究与实践, 2009,4(1):39-4.
  11. 杨从军, 罗小勇, 罗兰, 邢小霞. 《植物化学保护》 模块式教学探索与实践. 时代教育, 2016,(2):65-66.
  12. 杨从军, 罗兰, 罗小勇. 提高《 植物化学保护》 课程教学质量方法与手段探索. 高教论坛, 2015,(8):62-64.
  13. 罗兰, 李平亮, 杨从军, 罗小勇, 邢小霞. 植物化学保护课程成绩考核模式的改革与探索. 考试周刊, 2015,(57):1-3.

u 专利

  1. 罗小勇, 杨玉良. 麦冬中原儿茶醛的提取方法及其新用途. 国家发明专利(ZL 2013 1 0469080.0),2015.05.27

u 专著

  1. 罗小勇, 宋吉青等. 作物营养元素缺乏症与过剩症的诊断与对策. 北京: 科学出版社, ISBN 978-7-03-047302-8. 2017.2.

u 荣誉

  1. 全市统一战线树立和践行社会主义核心价值体系先进个人, 青岛市委统战部, 2011.
  2. 全市侨联系统建言献策特等奖, 青岛市归国华侨联合会, 2011.
  3. 全市党外知识分子建言献策建功立业活动先进个人, 青岛市委统战部, 2011.
  4. 青岛市海外归国人士创业创新杰出成就奖, 青岛市归国华侨联合会, 2011.
  5. 组织建设工作先进个人, 中国致公党山东省委员会, 2011.
  6. 建言献策十佳成果奖”, 中共青岛市委统战部, 2013.
  7. 优秀党员(次), 中国致公党山东省委员会, 2014, 2015, 2016.


七、 社会兼职








1.Basic Situation

Xiaoyong Luo, male, doctor, professor, master tutor. Born in 1963, Gansu Province, Gan people.



2.Learning Work Experience

In 1984 graduated from the Jilin Agricultural University, Department of soil agrochemical of pesticide fertilizer professional, the same year into the Gansu Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences Institute of Plant Protection and crop diseases and insects in the prevention and control related to scientific research work. In 1997 to study at the University of Tsukuba, has received a master's degree in environmental science and agricultural doctorate. After the postdoctoral researcher in the Japan Institute of Agricultural Environmental Technology. May 2004 to Laiyang Agricultural College (now Qingdao Agricultural University) work so far.

3.Teaching Work

Over the years, has for plant protection, pharmaceutical engineering, pharmaceutical and English and other undergraduate professional teaching "phytochemical protection", "herbicide toxicology", "Introduction to Pesticides", "pesticide toxicology", "biological pesticides", "Japanese I, II "and other courses, for the pesticide, plant protection and other master's degree (field) graduate professor" pesticide toxicology special theory "," phytochemical protection topic "," literature search and writing "and other courses. Commitment to a number of teaching and research projects, access to provincial teaching achievement three prize 1, published teaching and research papers 14. Guidance of 19 graduate students, undergraduate interns 133 people, of which three were excellent school graduation thesis.

4.Research Direction And Profile

1.) Herbicides Toxicology: A study of the mechanism of action of pherofen grass on the chrysanthemum has been confirmed that its effect is related to the rapid formation of reactive oxygen species, and that the initial site of action is at the apical meristem The

2.) Plant source herbicidal active substances: more than 100 kinds of plants have been measured more than 500 organs of herbicidal activity, found some great potential for the development of plant materials, and isolated seven kinds of active substances.

3.) Weed resistance: mainly to carry out the main weed in cotton field of pendimethalin, quinoxaline, glyphosate and other commonly used herbicide resistance monitoring and treatment technology research.

5.Research Subject

u Host The Project

1.) Selective mechanism of phenanthroline on the weed control of weeds, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2013.01-2016.

2.) cotton weed resistance monitoring and control technology research and demonstration, public welfare industry (agriculture) research special, 2013.01-2017.12.

3.) R & D of plant-derived drought-resistant preparations, Ministry of Science and Technology "Twelfth Five-Year" National Science and Technology Program in Rural Areas (863 projects), 2011.01-2015.12.

4. Study on the Extraction and Separation of Herbicidal Active Substances from Chrysanthemum morifolium L., Qingdao Municipal Science and Technology Program Basic Research Project, 2011.10-2013.09.

5.) Comparisons of susceptibility of herbaceous plants to herbicide and its mechanism of formation, Ministry of Education, returned overseas students, 2005.01-2007.12.

6.) Selective mechanism of action of aryloxyphenoxypropionate and cyclohexenone herbicides, Japanese Ministry of Education, 1998.01-2000.12.

7.) Mechanism of Herbicide for Gramineous Weeds Stabilized on Sensitive Broadleaf Weeds in Hardwood Chrysanthemum, Japanese Ministry of Culture, 2000.01-2003.12.

8.) Study on the effects of paddy field herbicides on endangered plants, Japan Environment Agency, 2003.01-2004.12.

9.) Mechanism of Resistant Resistance of Monochoria to Sulfonylurea Herbicides from Gene Levels, Japan Agricultural Environmental Technology Research Institute, 2003.01-2004.12.

10.)Study on the Mechanism of Induced Formation of Peroxide in Chrysanthemum morifolium, 2004.08-2006.18.

Horizontal topics, a total of 31 items.

u Participate In The Project

1.) Research on bioactive substances in Paulownia, Provincial Science and Technology Department, 2006.01-2008.12.

2.) alien invasive plants Huangdingju control technology research, national public welfare projects (agriculture), 2008.01-2010.12.

3.) New Peanut Growth Regulator Creation and Application Technology Research, National Science and Technology Support Program, 2009.01-2011.12.

6.Main Result

u Won The Award

1.)"Modern agriculture industry under the background of IPM plant protection personnel training model", won the provincial teaching achievement award in Shandong Province third prize (GJ20143077), Shandong provincial teaching achievement award committee, 2014.07.30. Rank 2/10.

u Research Papers

  1. )Luo XY, Liu ZH, Sunohara Y, Matsumoto H, Li PL. Involvement of H2O2 in fluazifop-P-butyl-induced cell death in bristly starbur seedlings, Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pestbp. 2016.12.007. (SCI收录)
  2. )HAN J, Ahn YJ and LUO XY*. p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, a growth inhibitory chemical extracted from common nandina leaf. Allelopathy Journal, 2011, 28 (2): 213-224. (SCI收录)
  3. )Luo XY and Ikeda H. Effects of four rice herbicides on plant growth of an aquatic fern Marsilea quadrifolia L. Weed Biology and Management. 2007,7: 237-241. (SCI收录)
  4. )Luo X Y and Ikeda H. Effects of Four Rice Herbicides on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of a Threatened Vascular Plant Penthorum chinense Pursh. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2005,75: 382-389. (SCI收录)
  5. )Luo XY, Sunohara Y and Matsumato H. Fluazifop-butyl causes membrane peroxidation in the herbicide-susceptible broad leaf weed bristly starbur (Acanthospermum hispidum). Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 2004,78:93-102. (SCI收录)
  6. )Luo XY and Matsumoto H. Susceptibility of broad-leaved weed, Acanthospermum hispidum, to grass herbicide fluazifop-butyl. Weed Biology and Management. 2002,2:98-103. (SCI收录)
  7. )Luo X Y, Matsumoto H and Usui K. Comparison of physiological effects of fluazifop-butyl and sethoxydim on oat (Avena sativa L.). Weed Biology and Management. 2001,1:120-127. (SCI收录)
  8. )Matsumoto H and Luo XY. Physiological basis for susceptibility of broad-leaved weed Acathospermum hispidum to a grass herbicide fluazifop-butyl. 10th IUPAC International Congress on the Chemistry of Crop Protection, Book of Abstracts. August 4-9, Basel, Switzerland. 2002,1:172.
  9. )Luo XY, Usui K and Matsumoto H. Characterization of physiological and biochemical effects of fluazifop-butyl and sethoxydim on oat (Avena sativa L.). The Proceedings of the 18th Asian-pacific weed Science Society Conference. May 28-June 2, Beijing China. 2001,2:523-532.
  10. )张媛媛, 罗小勇*. 35种菊科植物对吡氟禾草灵的敏感性差异. 植物保护学报, 201037(6):557-561.
  11. )罗小勇, 孙娟. 23种苜蓿不同品种化感活性的研究. 草业学报, 2012,21(2):83-91.
  12. )郭凤, 罗小勇*. 大花金鸡菊叶提取物除草活性的研究. 中国农学通报, 2013,29(15):177-182.
  13. )王霞, 罗小勇*. 海桐叶乙醇提取物及其萃取相的除草活性. 中国农学通报, 2012,28(25):201-208.
  14. )罗小勇. 菊花桃不同器官的除草活性研究. 中国农学通报, 2010, 26(14):269-272.
  15. )罗小勇, 苗荣荣, 周世军. 16种园林植物不同器官的化感活性研究. 中国农学通报, 2009,25(21):266-271.
  16. )罗小勇. 农药残留及其对策. 中国农学通报, 2009,25(18):344-347.
  17. )罗小勇. 紫丁香不同器官的除草活性研究. 农药, 2010,49(6):460-461,464.
  18. )张丽娟, 李凌绪, 万方浩, 罗小勇*. 玉米秸秆对4种农田杂草生长的抑制作用. 植物保护, 2016,42(6):63-66.
  19. )罗小勇, 徐丹, 杨从军, 邢小霞, 宋吉青. 3种丝柏油醇络合物对11种植物病原真菌的室内抑菌活性.植物保护, 2016,42(4):242-247.
  20. )王霞, 罗小勇*. 海桐不同器官除草活性的研究. 中国生态农业学报, 2011,19(4):982-984.
  21. )罗小勇, 张英杰. 芍药不同器官的除草活性研究. 中国农业生态学报, 2010,18(5): 1148-1150.
  22. )杨玉良, 宋吉青, 杨从军, 罗小勇*. 13种木本植物不同器官和浒苔对生菜幼苗生长的影响. 杂草科学, 2012,30(3):16-20.
  23. )杨玉良, 宋吉青, 杨从军, 罗小勇*. 17种草本植物不同器官对生菜幼苗生长的影响. 杂草科学, 2012,30(4):10-15.
  24. )郭凤, 罗小勇*. 牡丹叶及其不同溶剂提取物对生菜等幼苗生长的抑制效应. 杂草科学, 2012,30(3):21-26.
  25. )罗小勇. 碧桃不同器官的除草活性研究. 江西农业学报, 2011,23(2):93-95.
  26. )王霞, 罗小勇*. 乌桕不同器官除草活性的研究. 杂草科学, 2011,29(4):33-36.
  27. )罗小勇. 八重樱不同器官的除草活性研究. 杂草科学, 2010,(2):27-29.
  28. )罗小勇. 牡丹不同器官的除草活性研究. 植物保护, 2011,37(2):87-90.
  29. )刘杰, 罗小勇*. 石楠不同器官的除草活性研究. 安徽农业大学学报, 2010,37(2):204-208.
  30. )赵妹, 罗小勇*. 葎草不同器官化感活性的研究. 江西农业学报, 2009,21(9):72-74.
  31. )罗小勇, 孙启涛, 周世军. 20种菊科植物不同器官的化感活性研究. 安徽农业科学, 2009,37(30):14672-14677.
  32. )赵妹, 罗小勇, 仪铭, 孟昭礼. 大花金鸡菊不同器官除草活性的研究. 安徽农业大学学报, 2009,36(3):369-372.
  33. )韩君, 罗小勇. 一些十字花科植物组织的化感活性研究. 江西农业学报, 2008,20(10):76-78.
  34. 0张媛媛, 罗小勇*. 硬毛刺苞菊不同器官的除草活性研究. 江西农业学报, 2008,20(11):74-75.
  35. )罗小勇, 任贻晓, 周世军. 一些松、柏、杉科植物的化感活性. 杂草科学, 2008,(4):22-25.
  36. )罗小勇, 付艳红, 周世军. 琼脂混粉法的建立及其在植物叶片化感活性测定中的应用. 青岛农业大学学报, 2007,24(4):267-270.
  37. )羅小勇, 春原由香里, 松本宏. Fluazifop-butyl感受性Acanthospermum hispidumにおけるエチレン生合成誘導と膜脂質の過酸化. 雑草研究, 2003,46:258-259.
  38. )羅小勇, 松本宏. Fluazifop-butylの広葉雑草Acanthospermum hispidumへの作用と脂質生合成への影響. 雑草研究, 2002, 47: 264-265.
  39. )羅小勇. イネ科雑草防除剤fluazifop-butylによる特異的感受性を示す広葉雑草に対する作用機構. 日本筑波大学, 2002.
  40. )羅小勇, 松本宏, 臼井健二. キク科Acanthospermum属雑草のfluazifop-butylによる生育抑制. 雑草研究, 2001,46:190-191.
  41. )羅小勇, 松本宏, 臼井健二. Fluazifop-butylsethoxydimの生理作用の比較. 雑草研究, 2000,45:30-31.

u Teaching And Research Papers

  1. ) Xiaoyong Luo, Lingxu Li. The necessity and feasibility of the addition of weed science specialty in plant protection specialty. Agricultural education research,2016,(2):44-46.
  2. )Xiaoyong Luo, IPM concept in the "plant chemical protection" course in the specific embodiment of modern agricultural science and technology,2012, (19):342,345.
  3. )Xiaoyong Luo, Application of Network Teaching Platform in Teaching of Plant Chemistry Protection Course. Modern Agricultural Science and Technology,2012,(17):336-337.
  4. )Xiaoyong Luo, BaoDu Li, ChangYou Li*. Current Situation of Plant Protection in Shandong Province and Its Prospects for Talent Demand. Modern Agricultural Science and Technology,2012, (3):237-238.
  5. )Xiaoyong Luo, Japan's plant protection system and plant protection personnel training. Test Weekly, 2011,(66):237-239.
  6. )Xiaoyong Luo, BaoDu Li, BingSheng Lu*.The Necessity and Thinking of Cultivating IPM Plant Protection Talents in Higher Agricultural and Forestry Colleges and Universities. Agricultural Education Research,2012,(1):2-4.
  7. )HongXu Zhou, Xiaoyong Luo, The Application of Multimedia Teaching in Fun Entomology.2011,(19):192-193.
  8. )BingSheng Lu, Chen Liang, Xiaoyong Luo,*. Problems and Countermeasures of Practical Teaching of Plant Protection Specialty in Agricultural College of China. Higher Agricultural Education, 2010,(11):66-68.
  9. )Xiaoyong Luo, Congjun Yang,Xiangli Dong , Lan Luo, Xiaoxia Xing, ZhaoLi Meng. Discussion on the Construction of "Plant Chemistry Protection" Course. Journal of Qingdao Agricultural University (Social Science Edition), 2007,19 (Suppl):1-2.
  10. )Xiaoyong Luo, Practice the scientific concept of development, and strive to improve the quality of postgraduate education in our institute.Evaluation of higher education and practice,2009,4(1):39-4.
  11. )Congjun Yang ,Xiaoyong Luo, Lan Luo, Xiaoxia Xing. "Plant chemistry protection" modular teaching exploration and practice. Time education, 2016,(2):65-66.
  12. )Congjun Yang, Lan Luo, Xiaoyong Luo,. Improve the "plant chemical protection" teaching quality methods and means to explore. Higher education forum,2015,(8):62-64.
  13. )Lan Luo, PingLiang Li, Congjun Yang, Xiaoyong Luo, Xiaoxia Xing. The reform and exploration of the examination mode of the course of the chemistry of the plant chemistry protection. 2015,(57):1-3.

u Patent

1.) Xiaoyong Luo, YuLiang Yang. Extraction of Ophiopogonic Acid from Ophiopogon japonicus and Its New Uses. National Invention PatentZL 2013 1 0469080.0),2015.05.27

u Focus On

1.) Xiaoyong Luo, JiQing Song ect. Diagnosis and Countermeasure of Crop Nutrient Deficiency and Excessive.Beijing: Science Press, ISBN 978-7-03-047302-8. 2017.2.

u Honor

1.) the city united front to establish and practice the socialist core value system advanced individual, Qingdao municipal united front department, 2011.

2.) City Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese system recommended meritorious service special award, Qingdao returned overseas Chinese Federation, 2011.

3.) the city's non-party intellectuals offer advice and suggestions meritorious deeds activities of advanced individuals, Qingdao municipal united front department, 2011.

4.) Qingdao Overseas Returned Entrepreneurial Innovation Outstanding Achievement Award, Qingdao City Returned Overseas Chinese Federation, 2011.

.) Organization of the construction of advanced individuals, the Chinese party to the Shandong Provincial Committee, 2011.

6.) Suggestions and suggestions "Top Ten Achievement Award", the Communist Party of China Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of Qingdao, 2013.

7.) Outstanding Party members (three times), China Committee of the Shandong Provincial Committee, 2014, 2015, 2016.


7.Social Part-Time

Member of the Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of the 13th Qingdao Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference; member of the Committee of the Chinese Plant Protection Society of Plant Allelology; Member of the Committee of the Sixth Committee of Qingdao Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China; Provincial Association of Europe and the United States, Qingdao City Postdoctoral Association, Qingdao City, Europe and the United States Association members; "Journal of Weeds", "Higher Education Research and Practice" editorial board.

8. contact information

Address: No. 700, Changcheng Road, Chengyang District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, Qingdao Agricultural University, College of Plant Medicine

Post code: 266109

Tel: 13969636942


